To determine the SpamAssassin score of any message:

1. Make sure you have enabled SpamAssassin.

Open any message you receive in your mail application of choice. You will now want to view the long header informaiton.

In Apple's Mail Application you can do this by opening a message and then going under the View menu, select the Message sub-menu and choose Long Headers.

In Microsoft Entourage you can do this by opening the message, clicking on the Message menu and selecting Internet Headers.

Near the bottom of the message headers you will see something that looks like this:

 X-Spam-Status:     No, score=4.2

 X-Spam-Score:     42

The score on this message in particular is 4.2. If you frequently received spammy messages with a score of 4 or higher, you would want to set your spam score to 4.

Login to the cPanel for your hosting package, commonly found at ( should be replaced with your actual domain name.

Click on the SpamAssassin module.

Click the SpamAssassin Configuration button.

In the required score field, put in the new spam score that you would like SpamAssassin to mark spam at. In the example given, I'd enter 4.0 into this field.

Click Save

You can adjust your SpamAssassin score at any time to be more or less aggressive.

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