Outlook is Microsoft's email software for Windows and the Office suite. This walk through will show you how to configure Outlook to work with your new cPanel email address. You need to set up your email address in cPanel first.


Make a note of your email address and your email password so you can reference them when you go through the instructions.




      1. Open Outlook.
      2. Open the File menu. It is found in the upper left hand side.
      3. Click Add Account.
      4. Select Manually setup or additional server types, then click Next >.
      5. Choose POP or IMAP, then click Next >.
      6. Enter your account information:
        • Your Name: The name you want to display with this email address.
        • E-mail Address: Your new email address.
        • Account Type: IMAP(keep messages synced to the server) or POP3 (download messages locally)
        • Incoming mail server: mail.example.com (replace example.com with your domain)
        • Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.example.com (replace example.com with your domain)
        • User Name: username@example.com(your full email address)
        • Password: The password you created for this email address.
        • Select Remember password.
        • Do NOT select "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)."
      7. Click More Settings...A new window will pop up.
      8. Go to the Outgoing Server tab.
        • Select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
        • Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.
      9. Go to the Advanced tab.
      10. At the top you should see the Server Port Numbers section:
        • Incoming server (IMAP): 993
        • Incoming server (POP): 995
        • Outgoing server (SMTP): 465
        • Under both the Incoming and Outgoing Ports, you should see either a check box stating “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)” or “Use the following type of encrypted connection” with a drop down box. The check box should be checked and the drop down should be set to SSL.
      11. Click OK. This will bring you back to the Add Account window
      12. Click Next >.
      13. Outlook will now test the settings. After a few seconds, you should see the test complete successfully. Click Close. If it does not complete successfully, you can still finish setting up the account. Be sure to go through settings to verify that all of your information is correct.
      14. Click Next >.
      15. You should see a confirmation message for the account creation. Click Finish.


Congratulations! You've just set up Outlook with your new email address. Try sending yourself a test message to make sure you can send and receive.


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