Many people have both asked and attempted to answer this question - although the term might be difficult to define; they are sometimes also called components, gadgets or elements. In the Sitebuilder, users are able to drag and drop Widgets onto pages.

Here are some of the most popular Widgets and how to use them:

  1. The Text Widget: Drag this onto the page and it works much like a word processor. This is the widget where you add text content. You can type directly into it and format the Text using the Text Editing Toolbar or the Style Designer.
  2. The Picture Widget: Drag this onto the page and you can add pictures to the page that are stored on your computer or that are already uploaded into the File Manager.
  3. The Column Divider Widget: Drag this onto the page and it creates two columns to organize your page. You can drag a Text Widget onto one side and a Picture Widget onto the other; or use other various widgets on either side.
  4. The HTML Widget: Drag this widget onto the page and add custom HTML or JavaScript code to it. Make sure to test this on a text page to make sure it functions properly.

There is a great deal of other widgets available such as a Contact Form Widget, a Picture Gallery Widget and many more. You can play around with all of them to see what works for you. 

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