1. Login to the cPanel for your hosting package, commonly found at http://www.yourdomainname.com/cpanel (yourdomainname.com should be replaced with your actual domain name)

2. Click on the Email Accounts module in cPanel.

3. Scroll down the page until you see a list of your existing email addresses. Click the More drop down menu to the right then Configure Mail Client link for the email address you want to setup.

4. On the next screen you will see a list of email programs and methods of checking email. Near the bottom of the page you will see Manual Settings specific to this email address. This will have all of the information you need, less your password.

Manual Setup info


Note: Please only use the (SSL) Incoming and outgoing server settings listed to the left. The non-SSL settings are not secure and should not be used.

Note: If you choose to use use the MacHighway server as your outgoing mail server, you'll need to select password authentication in your email application and use the same username and password you use to check mail.  The alternative is to use your ISP's outgoing mail (SMTP) server.

Did this answer your question? If not, please let us know what issues you're having in the MacHighway User Forums.

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