Providing us with a screenshot can be a helpful way for us to troubleshoot a problem you may be experiencing. It can be used to visually show us a login screen, application settings, or error messages.

While a screenshot alone can be helpful, we also ask that you provide us with any additional info needed to help resolve your problem when contacting us for assistance. You can take a screenshot of your entire screen, or just a section of the screen.


Taking a screenshot of the entire screen

If you wish to take a screenshot of your entire screen, use the following key combination:

Screenshot Fullscreen

You will now see a thumbnail of the screenshot in the lower right-hand side. You can click on the thumbnail to edit the image, or wait for it to be saved to your desktop.

Back to Menu

Taking a screenshot of a section of the screen

You may only need to take a screenshot of a portion of your screen. For this, use the following key combination:

Partial Screenshot

Your cursor will now be a crosshair. Click and hold the mouse or trackpad button and drag the cursor to select the area that you would like to capture. You can move the selection box by hitting the space bar while holding the mouse or trackpad button.

You can take the screenshot by releasing the mouse or trackpad button, or you can cancel the capture by clicking the Escape key.

You will now see a thumbnail of the screenshot in the lower right-hand side. You can click on the thumbnail to edit the image, or wait for it to be saved to your desktop.

Back to Menu

Click here to return to the New Customer Guide.

Still Having Issues?

If you are still having issues, you can contact our Customer Support in the following methods:

Live Chat

You can connect to our Live Chat Support Team from your MacHighway Client Area. If you are not sure how to do this, you can find a guide here.

Our Live Chat team is available Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

Support Ticket

You can submit a support ticket to our Support Team from your client area.

Our ticket Support Team is available 24/7/365.

Phone support

You can contact our Phone Support Team using the following number:

  • US/Canada 1-888-974-0334
  • International 1-727-800-3606

Our Phone Support team is available Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

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