NOTE: WebDAV and Web Disk are not secure methods for transferring files. You login details could be at risk if you use WebDAV / Web Disk. We instead recommend using SFTP for overall file transfers and restricting your WebDAV to a single directory.

Setting up a Web Disk directory
Accessing Web Disk

Setting up a Web Disk directory

1a. Login to the cPanel for your hosting package, commonly found at ( should be replaced with your actual domain name)

2a. Click on the Web Disk module in cPanel.

3a. The first thing we do is select a username to access this Web Disk. In the Login: field, type the username you'd like to use.

4a. In the drop-down menu next to @, select the domain name that you want assosciated with this Web Disk.

5a. In the Password: field, type the password that you would like assosciated with the username you've created.

6a. In the Password Again: field, retype that same password.

7a. In the Directory: field, type the name of the subfolder (within the site that you selected in step 4) that you would like to be Web Disk accessible. We do not recommend that you make your entire site Web Disk accessible. This creates a security hole that could be exploited.

Create Web Disk Account

Accessing Web Disk

1b. If you're not already in your cPanel, login to the cPanel for your hosting package, commonly found at ( should be replaced with your actual domain name)

2b. Click on the Web Disk module in cPanel.

3b. Near the bottom of the page you will see a section called Web Disk Account Management, find the Web Disk you've created above and click the Access Web Disk button next to the correct Login.

4b. Select your correct operating system and click the Go button.

5b. Follow the onscreen instructions to open and run the script that will mount the Web Disk on your computer. On the resulting page, be sure to untick SSL or you will receive an error when accessing WebDisk.

Web Disk Account Management

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