Here's how to add, customize and edit the Form Widget:

  1. Click on Widgets > Forms.
  2. Drag and drop the Form Widget onto your page.
  3. You have the option to choose a Contact Us or a Blank Form. Both forms allow you to add and delete, rename and move the location of your form fields.
  4. To change the name of a field, click on the field name. You can delete the default text and add in your custom field name if you wish. You can also add default text to the text fields that your user will fill in.
  5. You also have the option to change the name of the "Submit" button on the form, to a name more appropriate to your form or business.
  6. To delete a field click on the red "x" in that particular field.
  7. To move a field to another position on the form and drag and drop it up or down on the form. You can also use the blue dotted arrows below the red "x" to move the fields.
  8. To add another field to your form, click on the "Add new field" drop down list.
  9. You have the choice to add "Single Line Text", "Multi Line Text", Multiple Choice", "Checkboxes", "Choose from a list", "Text" and "Spam Protector (Captcha)." Once again all these fields are customizable to suit your form needs.
  10. Under the "Settings" tab is a field for editing the email address the form submissions are sent to, as well as a customizable completion message. This is the message that your site visitor will see after successfully submitting your form.
  11. Once you are done customizing your form, click on "Save."
  12. Click on "Preview" to preview what your form will look like once it is published.
  13. If you're happy with your form, republish your site to make it live. 

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